
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

May 28th

 – I left to Georgia for training camp ( the day God introduced me to my team )


June 1st

  • landed in Costa Rica ( the place God made my heart new )


June 23rd

  • I decided to come home after month one ( God called me back to Amarillo )


July 1st 

  • said goodbye to my team ( got on a plane back to the states )


July 2nd 

  • finally home ( reunited with my family )


Above are dates that are going to be a big part of this blog, well my last blog. May 28th holds a special place in my heart, because that is the day I took a leap of faith and flew across country to meet strangers and live with these strangers for 2 months in another country to a place where I had no idea what I’d be doing or what it would look like, basically the unknown.


The second date, June 1st is the day I got on a plane to leave the U.S. which was a scary day because I had never left the country, also I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I was partaking in this journey either. ( also I couldn’t believe that from may 28th-June 1st that God connected and built relationships with 18 other people ).


Date number 3, June 23rd, the day God put on my heart that I would be coming home after the first month. I was so confused because I had always dreamed of being apart of a mission trip like this and I finally got to be apart of one and then I felt God tugging my heart to come home.


The hardest part was July 1st, the day I gave the tightest hugs and said my goodbyes to the sweetest, most kind hearted people, also my family that will always be apart of my life. 


And lastly July 2nd, the day my heart became full again, the day I reconnected with my family. 


I shared all those days because they were the big parts of this trip. They mean the world to me. The days I felt God the most, also the days my faith took leaps. I could sit here and share every little detail, and share the crazy testimonies I heard, or what I learned, but I’m choosing to share the special dates. My point of this blog is to say thank you to all who supported me on this journey. I also want to say I’m sorry it took so long to update about the trip. Coming home early was hard and not easy to explain to everyone. 


This trip strengthened my relationship with The Lord, it restored my heart so much, brought so much joy to my life. God spoke through so many strangers, reminded me how loved I am and told me he wants to express joy through me. I want to share with y’all that my faith is bigger than I could of ever imagined. I learned to love like Jesus, and also that I want to look like Jesus full time. So thank you one last time to all the prayers and donations. God bless??

One response to “It’s Time To Look & Love Like Jesus”

  1. I’m so happy you are seeing restoration in your heart and strength in your relationship with the Lord. You are so loved and I’m praying for you and this season! 🙂